Trækstien Randers-Silkeborg


  1. Name Trækstien Randers-Silkeborg
  2. Lengte van pad 102 km, 63 mijl
  3. Lengte in dagen 5 dagen
  4. Start van pad Randers
  5. Einde van pad Silkeborg
  6. Traildino graad EW, Makkelijke wandeling, natuurpad

Svostrup Kro, Traekstien Randers-Silkeborg

Trækstien Randers – Silkeborg, 102 km

The Silkeborg-Randers Towpath is quite an unique trail. It follows an ancient towpath along the small river Gudenå in central Jutland. In its heyday some 200 barges floated this stream up and down.

Now, don't expect this hard work to have been done by horses. Not so; men, strong farmer's sons, towed the boats up and down the river.

The practice came to an end in 1908 when Silkeborg was connected to Langå by railway and steam engines took over the job. By the way, in Silkeborg you can continue your hike on the Naturstien Horsens-Silkeborg, which uses an old disused railway, since also the steam engines came to an end.

When you walk this trail, you must take for granted that some places are very wet or covered in lush vegetation. Also, you might have to jump over ditches now and again. Anyway, remember that these poor farmer boys had an even harder path to walk on, and had to tow a boat as well.

Finding accommodation and campsites along this trail is no problem. Sleep well!


Trækstien Randers-Silkeborg


  1. Afbreken