Veluwe Zwerfpad
- Name Veluwe Zwerfpad (SP16)
- Lengte van pad 357 km, 222 mijl
- Lengte in dagen 18 dagen
- Start van pad Arnhem
- Einde van pad Arnhem
- Traildino graad LW, Lichte wandeling, landelijke wandeling
SP16, Veluwe Zwerfpad, circular walk starting and ending in Arnhem, 357 km
The Veluwe is the attractive and varied wooded centre of the Netherlands. The Veluwe Zwerpad winds hundreds of kilometers through this area.
It is amazing to walk through these extensive and dense forests and to realise that a hundred years ago this area was a bare, undulating plain. The locals used the poor sandy soils as common grounds, a system that existed throughout Europe.
In the 19th century, these Commons were prohibited by law, and the lands were transferred to private ownership. In the Netherlands, the state appropriated the lands. The whole area was planted with pine and spruce, used for the mines in the south of the country. Areas with richer boulder clay soils were also planted with beech and oak.
Many of these forests were never cut. Nowadays it is a fantastic succession of versatile forests, fields and history. Early in the morning, walkers may see a lot of wildlife: deer, foxes, wild boars, pine martens, and many species of birds. The downside is that the area can be busy with day trippers and holidaymakers. Plan your walk on quiet days.
The walk is marked yellow-red. And there is a guide with maps available.