

  1. Name Donau-Zollernalbweg
  2. Lengte van pad 160 km, 99 mijl
  3. Lengte in dagen 8 dagen
  4. Start van pad Beuron
  5. Einde van pad Lemberg
  6. Traildino graad EW, Makkelijke wandeling, natuurpad

Donau - Zollernalbweg, Beuron - Lemberg, 165 km, 8 days

This horseshoe shaped trail explores a part of the Schwäbische Alb between its north and south escarpments. It can be combined with the Donau Berglandweg to create a circular tour of 235 km.

The Schwábische Alb is a limestone plateau with sharply indented valleys, one of them giving room to the Donau. The valleys are populated, the slopes forested and the uplands are fertile plains. In autumn, the deciduous forests gives a nice display of colours. In spring, flowers and blossoms adorn the valleys and uplands.

The trail is well documented and waymarked. It meanders up and down the valley slopes, choosing the best paths and finding the best views.

It is an interesting phenomenon that these new trails gradually replace the old ones, like the Nordrandweg, and it appears a bit like a change of generations and signals the vitality of German society. Just a casual observance...

Select some tracks
Donau-Zollernalb-Weg, 65km
Donau-Zollernalb-Weg, 16km


De Zwerver
  • Wandelgids Hikeline Donau-Zollernalb-Weg, Donauberglandweg | Esterbauer
  • Handzame gids met een goede beschrijving van een meerdaagse tocht in dit gebied. De gids is in spiraalbinding en elke pagina is op scheur- en watervast papier gedrukt. Daar is echt over nagedacht! Die Zollernalb und der Donau-Zollernalb-Weg Der Donau-Zollernalb-Weg führt durch drei Landkreise: Sigmaringen, Tuttlingen und der Zollernalbkreis. Er... Read more
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