East Clare Way
- Name East Clare Way
- Lengte van pad 180 km, 112 mijl
- Lengte in dagen 8 dagen
- Start van pad Killaloe
- Einde van pad Killaloe
- Traildino graad EW, Makkelijke wandeling, natuurpad
East Clare Way, Killaloe - Killaloe, 180 km, 8 days
East Clare is a quiet land of hills and farmland. The wide and rolling hills are partly forested, partly overgrown with heather. To the east lies the wide expanse of Lough Derg surrounded by farmland.
The East Clare Way describes a circle in this quiet corner of Ireland. Half the time you will walk over small tarmac roads. In other parts you're tramping on moorland, forest roads, grassland. Accommodation is available in the small villages.
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☐East Clare Way, 38km