South Leinster Way
- Name South Leinster Way (SLW)
- Lengte van pad 104 km, 65 mijl
- Lengte in dagen 5 dagen
- Start van pad Kildavin
- Einde van pad Carrick-on-Suir
- Traildino graad EW, Makkelijke wandeling, natuurpad
South Leinster Way, Kildavin - Carrick-on-Suir, 104 km, 5 days
The southeast of Ireland offers a friendly contrast to the rest of the country, with its fields and meadows enclosed in hedges, lush forests and thriving farmland. It reminds us of England somehow.
The Leinster Way is an easy path, following the slowly fading crest of the Wickow Mountains. Gradually the hills merge with the gently sloping farmland. Small roads, old villages, and frequent woods characterise this trail. A nice walk in spring or autumn.
Documentation on the Internet is available. The waymarking may lag behind a bit. Accommodation along this trail is sufficiently available.
By the way: the South Leinster Way is part of both the European Long Distance path E8 and the Irish Coast to Coast Walk. Coming from Dublin, over the Wickow Way, the South Leinster Way is the second trail in row. The starting point, Kildavin, is only a few miles apart from the end point of the Wicklow Way, Clonegal. Next trail in row is the East Munster Way.
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- The Irish Coast To Coast Walk
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- Also available from:
-, Belgium
- The Irish Coast To Coast Walk
- The Coast to Coast route through Ireland, from Dublin to the Atlantic coast, passes through glorious mountain and river country, and offers an opportunity to discover the heart of the Emerald Isle. The walk links several waymarked routes - the Wicklow Way, South Leinster Way, East Munster Way, Blackwater Way and the Kerry Way. Whether you... Read more