Corvo, Azores


Corvo, Azores

Corvo is the smallest island of the Azores, only 17 km2 of land surface, and located far west into the Atlantic ocean, north of its big sister Flores.

It’s a huge bump of volcanic rock, consisting of a 2000 m wide and 700 m high caldera with lakes and islets in its centre. The walk around the caldera is difficult and tricky, but a part of it is described as a trail by the local authorities. From the end of the road to the caldera, a trail goes down to its green boggy bottom. On the eastern slopes are fields with cattle and gardens.

Check the list of all nine Azores islands.


De Zwerver
  • Wandelgids Wanderfüher Azoren | Dumont
  • Duitstalige wandelgids met goede beschrijvingen van de tochten, schetsmatige maar wel redelijke kaarten en heel wat praktische informatie per wandeling. Wandern durch die faszinierenden Landschaften der neun Azoreninseln mit Gipfelbesteigungen des Monte Escuro und Touren durch urwüchsige Wälder, über schroffe Felsküsten, zu gewaltigen... Read more
De Zwerver
  • Reisgids Azores - Azoren | Bradt Travel Guides
  • Bradt`s Azores is the only comprehensive guidebook to the nine-island archipelago, a nature-lovers` wilderness perched at the western extremity of Europe in the mid-Atlantic, and one of the best places in the world for whale watching. Thanks to the experience of expert botanist and author David Sayers, and the ongoing involvement of author... Read more
  • Azores
  • The Azores, previously known primarily in connection with weather maps, has drawn more and more visitors in recent years. Nine different islands of volcanic origin belong to this archipelago, which, politically, belongs to Portugal. Corvo, the smallest of the Azores, measures only 17 square kilometres, compared to São Miguel at 757. The island... Read more
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  • Azores
  • The Azores, previously known primarily in connection with weather maps, has drawn more and more visitors in recent years. Nine different islands of volcanic origin belong to this archipelago, which, politically, belongs to Portugal. Corvo, the smallest of the Azores, measures only 17 square kilometres, compared to São Miguel at 757. The island... Read more
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  • Island Interludes
  • "Romantic islands in the sun. Dreams of Sicily, Canary Islands, Malta, Cyprus, Madeira, and even further north to the distant Azores lying in the Atlantic Ocean. All of these I hungrily devoured from the pages of travel articles and over many years of looking at an atlas of the world. Everything seemed a distant dream until life had other... Read more
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  • Island Interludes
  • "Romantic islands in the sun. Dreams of Sicily, Canary Islands, Malta, Cyprus, Madeira, and even further north to the distant Azores lying in the Atlantic Ocean. All of these I hungrily devoured from the pages of travel articles and over many years of looking at an atlas of the world. Everything seemed a distant dream until life had other... Read more
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  • Azoren
  • Neun grüne Perlen mitten im Atlantik - das sind die Azoren. Viele Träume und Geschichten umranken die Vulkaninseln, den Rest des sagenumwobenen Atlantis. Auf halbem Weg zwischen alter und neuer Welt liegt der weit verstreute Archipel fernab vom portugiesischen Mutterland in den Weiten des wilden Ozeans. Weit weg vom Massentourismus sind die... Read more
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  • Azoren
  • Neun grüne Perlen mitten im Atlantik - das sind die Azoren. Viele Träume und Geschichten umranken die Vulkaninseln, den Rest des sagenumwobenen Atlantis. Auf halbem Weg zwischen alter und neuer Welt liegt der weit verstreute Archipel fernab vom portugiesischen Mutterland in den Weiten des wilden Ozeans. Weit weg vom Massentourismus sind die... Read more
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  • Azores
  • The sixth edition of the only full-blown guide to the beguiling islands of this mid-Atlantic Portugese archipelagoBradt's Azores guidebook is the only comprehensive guidebook to the nine-island archipelago, a nature-lovers' wilderness perched at the western extremity of Europe in the mid-Atlantic, and one of the best places in the world for... Read more
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  • Azores
  • The sixth edition of the only full-blown guide to the beguiling islands of this mid-Atlantic Portugese archipelagoBradt's Azores guidebook is the only comprehensive guidebook to the nine-island archipelago, a nature-lovers' wilderness perched at the western extremity of Europe in the mid-Atlantic, and one of the best places in the world for... Read more
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  • Island Interludes
  • "Romantic islands in the sun. Dreams of Sicily, Canary Islands, Malta, Cyprus, Madeira, and even further north to the distant Azores lying in the Atlantic Ocean. All of these I hungrily devoured from the pages of travel articles and over many years of looking at an atlas of the world. Everything seemed a distant dream until life had other... Read more
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  • Island Interludes
  • "Romantic islands in the sun. Dreams of Sicily, Canary Islands, Malta, Cyprus, Madeira, and even further north to the distant Azores lying in the Atlantic Ocean. All of these I hungrily devoured from the pages of travel articles and over many years of looking at an atlas of the world. Everything seemed a distant dream until life had other... Read more
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  • Rother Wandelgidsen - Azoren
  • De Rother wandelgids Azoren beschrijft de mooiste kust- en bergwandelingen voor een fantastische wandelvakantie in dit Portugese natuurparadijs. De Azoren bestaan uit de eilanden São Miguel, Santa Maria, Faial, São Jorge, Pico, Terceira, Graciosa, Corvo en Flores. Er zijn veel verschillende wandelmogelijkheden op de eilanden; van wandelingen... Read more
  • Rother Wandelgidsen - Azoren
  • De Rother wandelgids Azoren beschrijft de mooiste kust- en bergwandelingen voor een fantastische wandelvakantie in dit Portugese natuurparadijs. De Azoren bestaan uit de eilanden São Miguel, Santa Maria, Faial, São Jorge, Pico, Terceira, Graciosa, Corvo en Flores. Er zijn veel verschillende wandelmogelijkheden op de eilanden; van wandelingen... Read more
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  • Canary Islands Travel Guide
  • The Canary Islands (Spanish: Islas Canarias) are an Atlantic territory of Spain on the west coast of Africa, near to Morocco, Cape Verde and the archipelagos of the Azores Islands and Madeira Islands.Gran Canaria — The largest island by population, its capital city (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) has the shared title of capital of the Canaries.... Read more
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  • Canary Islands Travel Guide
  • The Canary Islands (Spanish: Islas Canarias) are an Atlantic territory of Spain on the west coast of Africa, near to Morocco, Cape Verde and the archipelagos of the Azores Islands and Madeira Islands.Gran Canaria — The largest island by population, its capital city (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) has the shared title of capital of the Canaries.... Read more
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  • Ultimate Wildlife Destinations
  • This book combines the desire for ever more adventurous activities with our long-standing passion for wildlife, all the while infused with responsible travel themes and conservation topics. From tracking jaguars in Brazil to snorkelling with whale sharks in Honduras, and from hiking in Transylvania's Carpathian Mountains in search of European... Read more
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  • Ultimate Wildlife Destinations
  • This book combines the desire for ever more adventurous activities with our long-standing passion for wildlife, all the while infused with responsible travel themes and conservation topics. From tracking jaguars in Brazil to snorkelling with whale sharks in Honduras, and from hiking in Transylvania's Carpathian Mountains in search of European... Read more
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United Kingdom
  • Azores Sunflower Landscape Guide
  • The Azores, nine islands in the Atlantic halfway between the Old World and the New, rise above sea level from a depth of several thousand metres. They are all volcanic in origin and all are covered in this guide.They are not the remains of the legendary continent of Atlantis, which is said to have sunk in the ocean once upon a time.... Read more
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelgids Walking on the Azores - Azoren | Cicerone
  • Guidebook to 70 walks on the Azores, a remote archipelago in the North Atlantic Ocean. Most of the walks are easy or moderate, with a few graded difficult. The selection is spread across all nine islands, offering much variety, from easy village-to-village walks to remote and mountainous walks, including Portugal's highest mountain, Pico. Read more
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  • Wegenkaart - landkaart Azoren - Azores | Freytag & Berndt
  • This large double-sided road map of the Azores, at 1:50,000 from Freytag & Berndt, shows the islands both individually and as a group and comes with an attached index and concise leisure guide booklet. This map shows main and minor roads, motorways and toll roads, sections under construction or closed to traffic. Conveniently highlighted are... Read more
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United Kingdom
  • Azores F&B
  • This large double-sided road map of the Azores, at 1:50,000 from Freytag & Berndt, shows the islands both individually and as a group and comes with an attached index and concise leisure guide booklet. This map shows main and minor roads, motorways and toll roads, sections under construction or closed to traffic. Conveniently highlighted are... Read more
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  • Azoren 1:50 000
  • . Die neun Azoren-Inseln gehören zu Portugal und liegen mitten im Atlantik - 1500 km von der Küste Portugals und 3500 km von Amerika entfernt; sie sind vulkanischen Ursprungs, wetterbedingt sehr grün und bieten ein gut markiertes Wandernetz.. Der Archipel besteht aus drei Inselgruppen - die östliche Gruppe mit Sao Miguel und Santa Maria, die... Read more
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  • Azoren 1:50 000
  • . Die neun Azoren-Inseln gehören zu Portugal und liegen mitten im Atlantik - 1500 km von der Küste Portugals und 3500 km von Amerika entfernt; sie sind vulkanischen Ursprungs, wetterbedingt sehr grün und bieten ein gut markiertes Wandernetz.. Der Archipel besteht aus drei Inselgruppen - die östliche Gruppe mit Sao Miguel und Santa Maria, die... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Azores Kompass 2-Map Set 2260
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United Kingdom
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  • Topographic survey of Portugal at 1:25,000 from the Instituto Geográfico do Exército, the country’s military survey organisation.Map legend and a glossary of terms used on the maps include English.To see all the titles in this series please click on the series link. Read more
United Kingdom
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  • Topographic survey of Portugal at 1:25,000 from the Instituto Geográfico do Exército, the country’s military survey organisation.Map legend and a glossary of terms used on the maps include English.To see all the titles in this series please click on the series link. Read more
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  • S. Jorge - Norte Grande - Azores 16
  • Topographic survey of Portugal at 1:25,000 from the Instituto Geográfico do Exército, the country’s military survey organisation.Map legend and a glossary of terms used on the maps include English.To see all the titles in this series please click on the series link. Read more
United Kingdom
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  • Topographic survey of Portugal at 1:25,000 from the Instituto Geográfico do Exército, the country’s military survey organisation.Map legend and a glossary of terms used on the maps include English.To see all the titles in this series please click on the series link. Read more
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  • Topographic survey of Portugal at 1:25,000 from the Instituto Geográfico do Exército, the country’s military survey organisation.Map legend and a glossary of terms used on the maps include English.To see all the titles in this series please click on the series link. Read more
United Kingdom
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  • Topographic survey of Portugal at 1:25,000 from the Instituto Geográfico do Exército, the country’s military survey organisation.Map legend and a glossary of terms used on the maps include English.To see all the titles in this series please click on the series link. Read more
United Kingdom
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  • Topographic survey of Portugal at 1:25,000 from the Instituto Geográfico do Exército, the country’s military survey organisation.Map legend and a glossary of terms used on the maps include English.To see all the titles in this series please click on the series link. Read more
United Kingdom
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  • Topographic survey of Portugal at 1:25,000 from the Instituto Geográfico do Exército, the country’s military survey organisation.Map legend and a glossary of terms used on the maps include English.To see all the titles in this series please click on the series link. Read more
United Kingdom
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  • Topographic survey of Portugal at 1:25,000 from the Instituto Geográfico do Exército, the country’s military survey organisation.Map legend and a glossary of terms used on the maps include English.To see all the titles in this series please click on the series link. Read more
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