Australian Alps Walking Track
- Name Australian Alps Walking Track
- Lengte van pad 655 km, 407 mijl
- Lengte in dagen 60 dagen
- Start van pad Walhalla, Victoria
- Einde van pad Tharwa near Canberra
- Traildino graad DW, Moeilijke wandeling, bushwalk
- Huttentrektocht graad T3, Veeleisende bergtocht
655 km, 60 days, December-April
The Australian Alps Walking Track is with its 655 km one of the longer and more demanding Australian trails. It starts at Walhalla, Victoria, passes New South Wales and ends in Tharwa near Canberra. It takes 50-60 days to complete. Since the trail crosses many peaks and exposed high plateaus, the hike is possible in summer only (December-April).