Lienzer Dolomiten
In fact, this impressive mountain range, popping out unexpectedly from less rugged mountain scenery around, has nothing to do with the Dolomites proper. Even the limestone is not dolomite. The classification of this compact and wild mountain group is difficult. Usually, they are grouped together with the Gailtaler Alps to the east.
Anyway, what does it matter? For us hikers, the Lienzer Dolomites are a great area to explore. They only measure 40 by 15 km, but this is still a vast expanse of rocks and nature. In its lower parts, one can make hikes over the via ferrata in the narrow and deep crevasses. In its higher parts, a more comfortable tour is possible, combining the different huts into one long distance hike. The ascent of the peaks is more difficult. Highest is the Grosse Sandspitze, 2.772 m.
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