

  1. Name Adlerweg
  2. Lengte van pad 280 km, 174 mijl
  3. Lengte in dagen 31 dagen
  4. Start van pad Lech
  5. Einde van pad St. Johann
  6. Traildino graad SW, Inspannende wandeling, bergpad
  7. Huttentrektocht graad T2, Bergtocht


Adlerweg or Eagle Trail, 280 km (main route), 31 days

This trail leads you through the entire region of Tirol. You can start in Lech, and walk east, rounding Innsbruck, ending in the village of St. Johann in Tirol. The mountain ranges belong to the Northern Limestone Alps, which makes for spectacular rock formations. Well known are the Lechtaler Alps, the Karwendel and the Wilde Kaiser. Part of the trail is the same as the Nordalpenweg 01 and the European Long Distance Trail E4.

The main route is more or less a teaser for those who want to explore the whole thing. In fact, counting the side valleys and side trails, the Adlerweg is 1280 km long. But then, you will have criss crossed Tirol from border to border, sniffed the snow of the Ötztal, saw the wildness of the Stubai, enjoyed the flowers of the Silvretta.

The trail is safe for fit walkers. Yes, you are in the mountains. No, you are not climbing or crossing glaciers. Using the colours red and black (for the surefooted), some clues to safety are there.

Sleeping in village hotels and mountain huts. Good documentation is available. The trail is marked throughout.

Select some tracks
Adlerweg [005], 6.4km
Wanderweg Adlerweg Etappe 90 - Kaiserwinkl, 12km
.Adlerweg Etappe 1, 13km
.Adlerweg Etappe 2, 14km
.Adlerweg Etappe 3, 14km
.Adlerweg Etappe 4, 11km
.Adlerweg Etappe 5, 17km
.Adlerweg Etappe 6, 17km
.Adlerweg Etappe 8, 19km
.Adlerweg Etappe 9, 12km
.Adlerweg Etappe 10, 8.8km
.Adlerweg Etappe 11, 14km
.Adlerweg Etappe 12, 16km
.Adlerweg Etappe 19, 4.8km
.Adlerweg Etappe 23, 7.6km
.Adlerweg Etappe 24, 4.4km
.Adlerweg - Alternative Höhlenstein/Hundalm, 7.2km
.Adlerweg Etappe 65, 4.6km
.Adlerweg Etappe 66, 5.5km
.Adlerweg Etappe 3 Variante, 8.1km
.Adlerweg (in Lechtaler Alpen), 4.2km
.Adlerweg Etappe 7, 19km
Adlerweg Etappe 91 - Walchsee, 15km
Adlerweg Etappe 92 - Kaiserwinkl, 12km
Hopkins via Spread Eagle Trail, 1.9km
Eagle Trail, 17km
Adlerweg, 20km
Eagle Trail, 0.5km
Adlerweg Etappe 13, 14km
Adlerweg Etappe 14, 6.8km
Adlerweg Etappe 16, 23km
Adlerweg Etappe 17, 19km
Adlerweg Etappe 18, 16km
Eagle Trail, 3.6km
Adlerweg, 3.7km
Adlerweg, 2.2km
Adlerweg [Lechtaler Alpen], 3km


Map Adlerweg


De Zwerver
  • Wandelgids Österreich: Adlerweg - Oostenrijk | Conrad Stein Verlag
  • Handzaam boekje met de routebeschrijving inclusief een heleboel praktische informatie. De beschrijving is uitstekend, maar kaarten zijn beperkt en schetsmatig aanwezig. Duits. Dieses OutdoorHandbuch beschreibt Tirols bekanntesten Fernwanderweg, den 320 km langen Adlerweg zwischen St. Johann i. T. im Osten und der Passhöhe des Arlbergpasses im... Read more
De Zwerver
  • Wandelgids Adlerweg - Adelaarsweg | Rother Bergverlag
  • De Rother wandelgidsen beschrijven zeer goed de wandelingen in specifieke gebieden. In de gids vindt men kaarten, routebeschrijvingen en de nodige praktische informatie om van de wandelingen/trekkings een geslaagde onderneming te maken. 31 Höhenprofile; 32 Wanderkärtchen im Maßstab 1:75.000, zwei Übersichtskarten; GPS-Tracks zum Download »Auf... Read more
  • The Adlerweg
  • The Adlerweg (or Eagle's Way) is a well maintained and waymarked 300km path traversing the length of the Austrian Tyrol from St Johann in the east to St Anton in the west. It follows established mountain and valley tracks to traverse the length of the Austrian state of Tyrol from east to west. 6 low-level alternative stages and a challenging 8... Read more
  • Also available from:
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  • The Adlerweg
  • The Adlerweg (or Eagle's Way) is a well maintained and waymarked 300km path traversing the length of the Austrian Tyrol from St Johann in the east to St Anton in the west. It follows established mountain and valley tracks to traverse the length of the Austrian state of Tyrol from east to west. 6 low-level alternative stages and a challenging 8... Read more
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