

Lac Mirour, Queyras

The Queyras is an Alpine region bordering on Italy. The area receives less precipitation than other ranges in France. Highest summit is the pic de Rochebrune, 3.325 m. Since it lies between two more populare mountain regions - the Massif des Écrins and the Mercantour, it gets less visitors. There is a good hike, the GR58, Tour du Queyras.


Hiking Map of Queyras

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De Zwerver
  • Wandelgids 265 Vogesen - Durchquerung: GR53 GR5 | Rother Bergverlag
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelgids 901 Tours et traversées dans l'Ain GR9, GR9A, GR59 | FFRP
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United Kingdom
  • GR59/GR9/GRP: Tours et Traversées de l`Ain FFRP Topo-guide No. 901
  • Tours et Traversées de l`Ain, FFRP topoguide, Ref. No. 901, covering in all 949km of hiking trails in the French Jura between Lons-le-Saunier and the confluence of the Ain and the Rhône, including sections of GR 5, 9 and 9A. Current edition of this title was published in June 2014.ABOUT THE FFRP (Fédération française de la randonnée pédestre)... Read more
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  • Also available from:
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United Kingdom
  • Alsace - Colmar - Sélestat - Freiburg im Breisgau - Lahr K+F Outdoor Map 5
  • The central part of Alsace around Colmar and Sélestat on a GPS compatible, double-sided map at 1:50,000 from Kümmerly+Frey printed on sturdy, waterproof and tear-resistant synthetic paper; contoured, with hiking and cycling routes, sites for other recreational activities, various accommodation options, restaurants and ferme-auberge locations,... Read more
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United Kingdom
  • Gap - Briancon - PN des Ecrins - Parc du Queyras IGN TOP100 158
  • Discover the new double-sided laminated edition of TOP100 road maps of France from the Institut Géographique National (IGN); exceptionally detailed, contoured road maps which include the cycle paths and greenways of the AF3V (French Association for the Development of Cycle Paths and Greenways), ideal for exploring the French countryside by car,... Read more
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United Kingdom
  • Queyras - Ubaye Didier Richard
  • Parc Naturel Régional du Queyras and the Ubaye region of the French Alps at 1:60,000 on a contoured and GPS compatible map from Didier Richard with a base derived from IGN’s topographic survey, highlighting both local hiking routes and the GR network of long-distance paths, gîtes and mountain refuges, interesting natural and cultural sites,... Read more
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United Kingdom
  • Alsace - Strasbourg - Saverne - Barr - Offenburg K+F Outdoor Map 7
  • The central part of Alsace around Strasbourg and Saverne on a GPS compatible, double-sided map at 1:50,000 from Kümmerly+Frey printed on sturdy, waterproof and tear-resistant synthetic paper; contoured, with hiking and cycling routes, sites for other recreational activities, various accommodation options, restaurants and ferme-auberge... Read more
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart 06 Monviso | IGC - Istituto Geografico Centrale
  • Monviso / Monte Viso cross-border area with coverage from Châteaux Queyras to Sampeyre and from the Grand Queyron to the Aiguille de Chambeyron in a series contoured hiking maps at 1:50,000 with local trails, long-distance footpaths, mountain accommodation, etc. from the Turin based Istituto Geografico Centrale.Maps in this series have contours... Read more
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United Kingdom
  • Monviso IGC 6
  • Monviso / Monte Viso cross-border area with coverage from Châteaux Queyras to Sampeyre and from the Grand Queyron to the Aiguille de Chambeyron in a series contoured hiking maps at 1:50,000 with local trails, long-distance footpaths, mountain accommodation, etc. from the Turin based Istituto Geografico Centrale.Maps in this series have contours... Read more
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United Kingdom
  • Nice - Menton - PN du Mercantour IGN TOP100 165
  • Discover the new double-sided laminated edition of TOP100 road maps of France from the Institut Géographique National (IGN); exceptionally detailed, contoured road maps which include the cycle paths and greenways of the AF3V (French Association for the Development of Cycle Paths and Greenways), ideal for exploring the French countryside by car,... Read more
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart 07 Mercantour & Alpi-Maritieme | Didier Richard
  • Mercantour National Park and the Maritime Alps on a large, double-sided, contoured and GPS compatible map from Editions Didier Richard highlighting local walking trails and long-distance hiking routes including the GR5. Coverage extends from well north of Col de Larch to Sospel, Levens and Roquestéron in the mountains north of the French... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • Stanfords, United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
  • Mercantour & Alpi-Marittime Didier Richard 07
  • Mercantour National Park and the Maritime Alps on a large, double-sided, contoured and GPS compatible map from Editions Didier Richard highlighting local walking trails and long-distance hiking routes including the GR5. Coverage extends from well north of Col de Larch to Sospel, Levens and Roquestéron in the mountains north of the French... Read more
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De Zwerver
  • Also available from:
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United Kingdom
  • Briançon - Vallèe de la Guisane - Vallèe de la Clarèe
  • Briançon - Vallèe de la Guisane - Vallèe de la Clarèe area of the French Alps presented at 1:25,000 in a series of large, contoured and GPS compatible walking maps from Fraternali Editore, printed on light, waterproof and tear-resistant synthetic paper. Maps in this series have topography shown by contour lines at 5m intervals with relief... Read more
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