France, country of contrasts, home to the inventors of the Topoguide, is a great walking destination all year round. An intricate network of long distance footpaths, the so-called Grands Randonnées, reaches out to the farthest corners of the country. At least 80 long distance trails and their countless variants are meticulously documented and waymarked. Mastering a bit of French will help you find your way, and a bottle of wine at that.
It may be difficult to find information or topo guides for many trails. The exact route - not only the name "GR" - of any hiking trail in France is copyrighted by the FFRP and cannot be published by others without their consent. The maps of IGN usually show all regional PR's and national GR's.
The French themselves are mad about walking, often in groups of about 20, recognisable by their non-stop rather loud conversations lasting from dawn till dusk and snacking on hard boiled eggs en route. So join the crowd and turn bon vivant. Walk the Provence in spring, pass through the wine regions coloured all red in late autumn. Enjoy the Atlantic coast and its birds in May, and the shimmering sun on the glaciers in summer. Explore the Loire in autumn, and the dark forests of the Morvan in winter. Or take a walk all the way from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean right across the Pyrenees along the GR10. Another popular trail is the GR5, from Luxembourg to Nice through the Vosges, the Elzas and the Alps. For those fearless and bursting with energy, the GR20 is a fine challenge. This trail following the highest ridges of the island of Corsica is for the surefooted only.
Another popular walk of course is the TMB, the Tour du Mont Blanc: eight days with views on the highest mountain of Europe, weather permitting. Drawback: crazy busy. Less known, but just as fine, is the Tour du Queyras (GR58), also in the Alps. Other best hikes in the Alps are the Tour de la Vanoise (GR55) or the Tour de l'Oisans (GR54). You can walk the Vallée des Merveilles (GR52). And a bit on the outside of the Alps is the Vercors (GR91 - GR95) and Mt Lubéron (GR97). There you are, now you know what the French themselves like most.
Along most GR's you will find huts or Gites d'Etappe at regular intervals. These are mostly just simple shelters, so bring food to prepare your own meals. Outside the main summer season, with most French back in Paris, the Gites are often closed. In such cases, bring your own tent. Most GR's can be tough but not dangerous, except the GR20.
- Camino de BaztanGPX
- Chemin du Roi Dagobert
- E10GPX
- E12GPX
- GR1 - Tour de ParisGPX
- GR10 - Traversée des PyrénéesGPX
- GR101GPX
- GR107 - El Camí dels Bons HomesGPX
- GR11 - Grand Tour de ParisGPX
- GR111 - Sentier de l’EssonneGPX
- GR12 - Amsterdam - ParisGPX
- GR120 - Parc Régional BoulonnaisGPX
- GR121 - Wavre - BoulogneGPX
- GR122 - ScheldelandGPX
- GR123 - À travers la PicardieGPX
- GR124GPX
- GR125GPX
- GR126 (France)GPX
- GR127GPX
- GR128 - VlaanderenrouteGPX
- GR13 - Traversée du MorvanGPX
- GR130 - IJzerGPX
- GR131GPX
- GR137GPX
- GR14 - Sentier de l'ArdenneGPX
- GR14a - Vallée de la MarneGPX
- GR16 - Sentier de la SemoisGPX
- GR2 - Vallée de la SeineGPX
- GR20 - La montagne CorseGPX
- GR21 - Côtes NormandesGPX
- GR211GPX
- GR212GPX
- GR22 - Sentier du Mont Saint-MichelGPX
- GR221GPX
- GR222GPX
- GR223GPX
- GR224GPX
- GR3 - Vallée de la LoireGPX
- GR30 - Volcans et lacs d'AuvergneGPX
- GR300 - Voie du BourbonnaisGPX
- GR34 - Sentier des DoaniersGPX
- GR340 - Tour de Belle-Île-en-MerGPX
- GR341GPX
- GR347GPX
- GR36 - Traversée du PérigordGPX
- GR360 - Tour de la SaintongeGPX
- GR364GPX
- GR37 - Sentier de l'ArgoatGPX
- GR380 - Monts d'ArréeGPX
- GR40 - Tour du VelayGPX
- GR400 - Volcans du CantalGPX
- GR412 - Gorges de l’AllierGPX
- GR420GPX
- GR427GPX
- GR430 - Chemin de Saint Régis
- GR440 - Grand tour du LimousinGPX
- GR440B - Petit tour du LimousinGPX
- GR441 - Chaîne des PuysGPX
- GR444
- GR461
- GR463GPX
- GR50 - Tour des ÉcrinsGPX
- GR51 - Balcons de la MéditerranéeGPX
- GR510 - Sentier des huit valléesGPX
- GR52 - Vallée des MerveillesGPX
- GR52A - Panoramique du MercantourGPX
- GR53 - Crête des VosgesGPX
- GR533GPX
- GR534GPX
- GR54 - Tour de l'Oisans et des ÉcrinsGPX
- GR541
- GR549
- GR55 - Tour de la VanoiseGPX
- GR559GPX
- GR56 - Tour de l'UbayeGPX
- GR570 - Pays des Trois FrontièresGPX
- GR58 - Tour du QueyrasGPX
- GR59 - Des Vosges au JuraGPX
- GR590
- GR595
- GR60 - Monts d'AubracGPX
- GR636GPX
- GR646GPX
- GR646 - Traversée du PérigordGPX
- GR65 - Via PodiensisGPX
- GR651GPX
- GR652GPX
- GR653 - Via TolosanaGPX
- GR653A - Via AureliaGPX
- GR653D - Voie d’ArlesGPX
- GR654 - Via LemovicensisGPX
- GR655 - Via TuronensisGPX
- GR66 - Tour du Mont AigoualGPX
- GR67 - Tour du Pays CévenolGPX
- GR68 - Tour du Mont Lozère
- GR70 - Chemin de StevensonGPX
- GR700 - Chemin de RégordaneGPX
- GR703 - Sentier de Jeanne d'ArcGPX
- GR71 - Traversée du Haute LanguedocGPX
- GR71CD - Tour du Larzac templier et hospitalierGPX
- GR73
- GR78 - Sentier de PiémontGPX
- GR83 - Camí del Nord o del CanigóGPX
- GR91 - Traversée du VercorsGPX
- GR94 - Tour des Hautes-AlpesGPX
- GR946
- GR96 - Traversée des BaugesGPX
- GR97 - Tour du LuberonGPX
- GR98 - Les CalanquesGPX
- GR99 - Gorges du VerdonGPX
- GTJ - Grande Traversée du JuraGPX
- GTPA - Grande Traversée des PréalpesGPX
- GTV - Grande Traversée du VercorsGPX
- Haute Route Chamonix-ZermattGPX
- HeuvellandGPX
- HRP - Haute Randonnée PyrénéenneGPX
- Jakobsweg Breisach - Cluny
- Jakobsweg im Elsass
- Jakobsweg Waldshut-Vézelay
- Mare a Mare CentreGPX
- Mare a Mare NordGPX
- Mare a Mare SudGPX
- Mare e Monti SudGPX
- Rhine-Meuse Trail
- Route du Temps
- Santiago de Compostela Pilgrims WayGPX
- SeealpentourGPX
- Sentier CathareGPX
- Templar Trail
- TMB - Tour du Mont BlancGPX
- Tour des monts d'AubracGPX
- Tour du BeaufortainGPX
- Tour du LarzacGPX
- Tour du MorvanGPX
- Tour du Parc du Pilat
- Tra Mare e MontiGPX
- Via AlpinaGPX
- Via ArverniaGPX
- Via BrugensisGPX
- Via FrancigenaGPX
- Via Gallia BelgicaGPX
- Via GebennensisGPX
- Via Thiérache
- Voie Catalane - Roussillon
- Voie de Lourdes
- Voie des PlantagenêtsGPX
- Voie du PiémontGPX
- Voie LittoraleGPX
- Alps
- Alsace
- Ardèche
- Auvergne
- Écrins
- Bauges
- Bourgogne
- Bretagne
- Cévennes
- Côte d'Azur
- Chablais
- Champagne-Ardenne
- Charente-Maritime
- Chartreuse
- Corsica
- Dauphiné
- Dordogne
- Drôme
- Giffre
- Gorges du Tarn
- Haute Savoie
- Ile-de-France
- Jura
- Lac Léman
- Languedoc
- Les Landes
- Limousin
- Loire
- Luberon
- Massif Central
- Mercantour
- Mont Blanc
- Morvan
- Normandie
- Paris
- Pays Catalan
- Picardie
- Provence
- Pyrenees
- Queyras
- Seine
- Tarn
- Ubaye
- Vanoise
- Vendée
- Vercors
- Verdon
- Vosges
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