Via Francigena


  1. Name Via Francigena
  2. Lengte van pad 1,700 km, 1,056 mijl
  3. Lengte in dagen 85 dagen
  4. Start van pad Canterbury (Uk)
  5. Einde van pad Roma (I)
  6. Traildino graad EW, Makkelijke wandeling, natuurpad

Ancient route between Canterbury in the UK and Rome in Italy.
In Switzerland: 215 km. Ste-Croix to Col du Gd St-Bernard (see map).

Select some tracks
Via Francigena
.Via Francigena - 01 part Great Britain, 77km
Via Francigena - 02 partie française
.Via Francigena France 02, Arras - Reims, 228km
.Via Francigena France 03, Reims - Clairvaux, 234km
.Via Francigena France 04, Clairvaux - Perrancey-les-Vieux-Moulins, 75km
.Via Francigena France 05, Perrancey-les-Vieux-Moulins - Besançon, 151km
.Via Francigena - part France - 04 Besançon - frontière, 91km
.Via Francigena - Variante historique, 34km
.Via Francigena, 207km
Via Francigena - 04 parte Italia
.Via Francigena - 01 Valle d'Aosta, 97km
Via Francigena - 02 Piemonte, 92km
Via Francigena - Variante Monginevro, 190km
.Via Francigena - Variante Dora Riparia, 48km
Via Francigena - 03 Lombardia, 120km
.Via Francigena - Variante San Rocco al Porto, 26km
Via Francigena - 04 Emilia Romagna, 147km
.Via Francigena - Variante Felegara, 2.3km
.Via Francigena - Variante Collecchio, 15km
Via Francigena - Variante Collecchio, 18km
.Via Francigena - Variante Parma, 20km
.Via Francigena - Variante Monte Valoria, 3.2km
.Via Francigena - 05 Liguria, 74km
Via Francigena - 06 Toscana, 313km
.Via Francigena - Variante, 3.6km
.Via Francigena - Variante d'acqua, 26km
.Via Francigena - Variante per Quartaia, 12km
.Via Francigena - Variante, 2.6km
.Via Francigena - Variante Abbadia San Salvatore, 25km
.Via Francigena - Variante Proceno, 18km
Via Francigena - 07 Lazio, 380km
.Via Francigena - Variante ponte Camillaro, 4.1km
.Via Francigena - Variante Sutri, 7.4km
.Via Francigena - Variante torrente Valchetta, 5.7km
.Via Francigena - Variante Caffarella, 3.5km
.Via Francigena - Variante Albano Laziale, 3.2km
.Via Francigena - Variante Sonnino, 22km
.Via Francigena - Variante Vetralla, 14km
.Via Francigena - Variante Anello di Campagnano, 9.3km
Via Francigena - 08 Campania, 172km
.Via Francigena - Variante Castelfranco in Miscano, 19km
Via Francigena - 09 Puglia, 494km
.Via Francigena - Variante Via Traiana, 19km
Via Francigena del Sud, tratto Italia
.Via Francigena, Lazio (sud), 206km
Via Francigena del Sud, tratto Italia
Via Francigena, Champagne
.De Reims à Châlons-en-Champagne, 60km
Variante Sud Via Francigena, 30km
Via Francigena di monte-Sentiero 103, 3.3km
Variante Nord Via Francigena, 41km
Via Romea Francigena - part Switzerland - side trip, 3km
Via Romea Francigena - Pontarlier to Orbe, 43km
(no name), 1.2km
Via Francigena - Lombardia - Mortara alternative, 12km
Via Francigena, Emilia-Romanga - alternative from Piacenza, 17km
Via Francigena - Variante di Monte, 45km
Via Francigena - part of Lazio - Giulianello variant
Via Romea Francigena - Pontarlier to Bretonnières-parallels N57 to Jounge via les Clées bypassing Orbe, 35km
Via Francigena, Toscana var Montelungo-Pontremoli, 14km
Via Francigena Santa sabina-Torre Guaceto, 1km
Variante Via Francigena, 15km
Variante Via Francigena, 6km
(no name), 9.6km
Tracciato dell'acquedotto Carolino e Via Francigena del sud, 11km
Molino del Piano - Bettigna - Via Francigena, 0.6km
Magna Via Francigena
.Magna Via Francigena: Tappa 1, 24km
.Magna Via Francigena: Variante tappa 1, 4.9km
.Magna Via Francigena: Tappa 2, 26km
.Magna Via Francigena: Tappa 3, 19km
.Magna Via Francigena: Tappa 4, 24km
.Magna Via Francigena: Tappa 5, 13km
.Magna Via Francigena: Tappa 6, 19km
.Magna Via Francigena - Variante 6.1, 20km
.Magna Via Francigena - Variante 6.2, 20km
.Magna Via Francigena: Tappa 7, 25km
.Magna Via Francigena: Tappa 7.1 Variante pioggia, 11km
.Magna Via Francigena: Tappa 8, 20km
.Magna Via Francigena: Tappa 9, 16km
(no name), 18km
Variante Cimina, 39km
Via Francigena - Variante Micaelica, 110km
Via Francigena - variante litoranea, 77km
Via Normanna
.Via Normanna -Tappa 1, 19km
.Via Normanna -Tappa 2, 27km
.Via Normanna- Tappa 3, 12km
.Via Normanna-Tappa 4, 17km
.Via Normanna -Tappa 5, 20km
.Via Normanna - Tappa 6, 13km
.Via Normanna - Tappa 7, 12km
.Via Normanna - Tappa 8, 16km
.Via Normanna - Tappa 9, 23km
.Via Normanna - Tappa 10, 16km
.Via Normanna - Tappa 10.1 variante direttissima, 23km
.Via Normanna - Tappa 11, 22km
.Via Normanna - Tappa 12, 20km
.Via Normanna - Tappa 13, 25km
.Via Normanna - Tappa 14, 18km
.Via Normanna - Tappa 15, 18km
.Via Normanna - Tappa 16, 24km
.Via Normanna - Tappa 17, 22km
.Via Normanna - Tappa 18, 24km
.Via Normanna - Tappa 19, 14km
.Via Normanna - Tappa 20, 13km
.Via Normanna - Tappa 21, 17km
.Via Normanna - Tappa 21bis, 14km
Via Normanna - Tappa 18, 13km
Via Francigena Palermo-Messina per le Montagne-Tappa 20.1, 14km
x Via Francigena Palermo-Messina per le Montagne, 1.6km
Via Francigena Mare
.Via Francigena Mare - itinerario principale, 148km
.Via Francigena Mare - avvicinamento Certaldo Gambassi Terme, 29km
.Via Francigena Mare - avvicinamento Volterra, 7.6km
.Via Francigena Mare - deviazione I Bollori, 1.3km
.Via Francigena Mare - deviazione piena fiume Cecina, 11km
.Via Francigena Mare - devazione piena torrente Sterza, 0.9km
Via Francigena - 04 Emilia Romagna Zena, 7.6km
03 - Anello della Via Francigena, 13km
Via Francigena Fabaria
.Via Francigena Fabaria - Tappa 1, 32km
.Via Francigena Fabaria - Tappa 2, 26km
.Via Francigena Fabaria - Tappa 3, 11km
.Via Francigena Fabaria - Tappa 4, 22km
.Via Francigena Fabaria - Tappa 5, 19km
.Via Francigena Fabaria - Tappa 6, 23km
.Via Francigena Fabaria - Tappa 6.1, 20km
.Via Francigena Fabaria - Tappa 6.2, 18km
.Via Francigena Fabaria - Tappa 7, 21km
.Via Francigena Fabaria - Tappa 8, 26km
.Via Francigena Fabaria - Tappa 8.1, 14km
.Via Francigena Fabaria - Tappa 8.2, 14km
.Via Francigena Fabaria - Tappa 9, 23km
.Via Francigena Fabaria - Tappa 10, 5.6km
.Via Francigena Fabaria - Tappa 11, 15km
.Via Francigena Fabaria - Tappa 12, 20km
.Via Francigena Fabaria - Tappa 13, 13km
(no name), 11km
(no name), 12km
(no name), 17km
(no name), 18km
(no name), 22km


Map Via Francigena


De Zwerver
  • Wandelgids 1451 La Via Francigena à travers le Pas-de-Calais GR145 | FFRP
  • Guide FFRandonnée La Via Francigena à travers le Pas-de-Calais - GR 145 - 245 Km de sentiers GR.Ancienne voie de pèlerinage, au même titre que les chemins de Saint-Jacques ou du Mont-Saint-Michel, ce topo-guide bilingue français/anglais (une grande première !) comprend les 245 premiers kilomètres français de l'itinéraire ancestral reliant... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • Stanfords, United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
  • GR145: The Via Francigena in Pas-de-Calais FFRP Topo-guide No. 1451
  • The first stage in France of the Via Francigena, one of the great medieval pilgrim routes, in a bilingual English / French topoguide with colour extracts from IGN’s topographic survey at 1:50,000, accommodation recommendations, etc.The guide covers a 12 day - 235km long section from Calais to Rocquigny, including parts of WWI Western Front in... Read more
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De Zwerver
De Zwerver
  • The The Via Francigena Canterbury to Rome
  • This comprehensive guidebook covers the first half of the Via Francigena - a 1900km pilgrim route that crosses Europe from Canterbury to Rome. This volume describes the walk from its start in Canterbury, to the halfway point of the route at the Great St Bernard Pass on the Swiss-Italian border. From Canterbury, the book splits the pilgrimage... Read more
  • Also available from:
  •, Belgium
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  • The The Via Francigena Canterbury to Rome
  • This comprehensive guidebook covers the first half of the Via Francigena - a 1900km pilgrim route that crosses Europe from Canterbury to Rome. This volume describes the walk from its start in Canterbury, to the halfway point of the route at the Great St Bernard Pass on the Swiss-Italian border. From Canterbury, the book splits the pilgrimage... Read more
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  • The People That Walk To Rome
  • Walking from the Netherlands to the Vatican. It wasn't that hard actually. Every day a little bit. In the beginning I was sleeping outside in my tent somewhere in a forest or field. Later I got promoted to centuries-old Italian monasteries. Fantastic! Quite a few colourful personalities crossed my path. People I consider as friends for a... Read more
  • Also available from:
  •, Belgium
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  • The People That Walk To Rome
  • Walking from the Netherlands to the Vatican. It wasn't that hard actually. Every day a little bit. In the beginning I was sleeping outside in my tent somewhere in a forest or field. Later I got promoted to centuries-old Italian monasteries. Fantastic! Quite a few colourful personalities crossed my path. People I consider as friends for a... Read more
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  • Notes on the Way of St. James
  • "Notes on the Way of St. James" is his account of that journey which began in the early Spring of 2011. The book chronicles the various stages of the adventure from its uncertain beginning through a doubt plagued stretch in Switzerland where Stephan wondered where he would ever find the fortitude to finish the pilgrimage. This doubt never fully... Read more
  • Also available from:
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  • Notes on the Way of St. James
  • "Notes on the Way of St. James" is his account of that journey which began in the early Spring of 2011. The book chronicles the various stages of the adventure from its uncertain beginning through a doubt plagued stretch in Switzerland where Stephan wondered where he would ever find the fortitude to finish the pilgrimage. This doubt never fully... Read more
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  • Also available from:
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De Zwerver
  • Also available from:
  • The Book Depository, United Kingdom
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The Book Depository
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelgids - Pelgrimsroute The Way of St Francis - Via Francigena | Cicerone
  • Guidebook to walking the Way of St Francis, Via di Francesco. 550km pilgrimage from Florence, through Assisi to Rome through Central Italy visiting key sites from the saint's life. Described in 28 stages, the guide to the month-long route includes detailed maps, profiles and information about all the shrines, churches and towns along the way. Read more
  • Also available from:
  • The Book Depository, United Kingdom
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The Book Depository
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De Zwerver
  • Also available from:
  • The Book Depository, United Kingdom
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The Book Depository
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart 2458 Firenze - Siena - Chianti | Kompass
  • Florence - Siena - Chianti area on a double-sided map at 1:50,000 from Kompass, printed on durable, waterproof and tear-resistant synthetic paper. Coverage includes Val di Pesa, Val d’Elsa, Monteriggioni, etc. Contours are at 40m intervals, with a 2-km UTM grid. Extensive overprint includes GEA - Grande Escursione Appenninica, Sentiero Italia,... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • Stanfords, United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
  • Florence - Siena - Chianti Kompass 2458
  • Florence - Siena - Chianti area on a double-sided map at 1:50,000 from Kompass, printed on durable, waterproof and tear-resistant synthetic paper. Coverage includes Val di Pesa, Val d’Elsa, Monteriggioni, etc. Contours are at 40m intervals, with a 2-km UTM grid. Extensive overprint includes GEA - Grande Escursione Appenninica, Sentiero Italia,... Read more
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart 04 Massiccio del Monte Bianco | IGC - Istituto Geografico Centrale
  • The Mont Blanc Massif in a series contoured hiking maps at 1:50,000 with local trails, long-distance footpaths, mountain accommodation, etc, from the Turin based Istituto Geografico Centrale. This new edition published in late 2013 highlights, among other routes, the Alta Via 1 and the northern section of the Alta Via 2, both of which join up... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • Stanfords, United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
  • Mont Blanc Massif IGC 4
  • The Mont Blanc Massif in a series contoured hiking maps at 1:50,000 with local trails, long-distance footpaths, mountain accommodation, etc, from the Turin based Istituto Geografico Centrale. The map highlights, among other routes, the Alta Via 1 and the northern section of the Alta Via 2, both of which join up with TMB, as well as the local... Read more
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  • Lago Trasimeno, Areo Protetta, Val d'Orcia WK2463
  • Deze kaart is ideaal voor het uitstippelen van wandel- en fietsroutes en om onderweg te gebruiken • goed leesbare kaart met heel veel topografische details • duidelijke symbolen maken de kaart extra overzichtelijk • wandel- en fietsroutes zijn aangegeven • praktische informatie over de regio • bruikbaar met GPS • nuttige informatie voor... Read more
  • Also available from:
  •, Belgium
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  • Lago Trasimeno, Areo Protetta, Val d'Orcia WK2463
  • Deze kaart is ideaal voor het uitstippelen van wandel- en fietsroutes en om onderweg te gebruiken • goed leesbare kaart met heel veel topografische details • duidelijke symbolen maken de kaart extra overzichtelijk • wandel- en fietsroutes zijn aangegeven • praktische informatie over de regio • bruikbaar met GPS • nuttige informatie voor... Read more
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  • Pisa, Livorno, San Miniato, Empoli WK2457
  • Deze kaart is ideaal voor het uitstippelen van wandel- en fietsroutes en om onderweg te gebruiken • goed leesbare kaart met heel veel topografische details • duidelijke symbolen maken de kaart extra overzichtelijk • wandel- en fietsroutes zijn aangegeven • praktische informatie over de regio • bruikbaar met GPS • nuttige informatie voor... Read more
  • Also available from:
  •, Belgium
  • Stanfords, United Kingdom
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  • Pisa, Livorno, San Miniato, Empoli WK2457
  • Deze kaart is ideaal voor het uitstippelen van wandel- en fietsroutes en om onderweg te gebruiken • goed leesbare kaart met heel veel topografische details • duidelijke symbolen maken de kaart extra overzichtelijk • wandel- en fietsroutes zijn aangegeven • praktische informatie over de regio • bruikbaar met GPS • nuttige informatie voor... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Pisa - Livorno - San Miniato - Empoli Kompass 2457
  • Pisa - Livorno - San Miniato - Empoli area on a double-sided map at 1:50,000 from Kompass, printed on durable, waterproof and tear-resistant synthetic paper. Coverage includes Parco Regionale Migliarino - San Rossore – Massaciuccolli. Contours are at 40m intervals, with a 2-km UTM grid. Extensive overprint includes GEA - Grande Escursione... Read more
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  • Florence, Siena, Chianti WK2458
  • Deze kaart is ideaal voor het uitstippelen van wandel- en fietsroutes en om onderweg te gebruiken • goed leesbare kaart met heel veel topografische details • duidelijke symbolen maken de kaart extra overzichtelijk • wandel- en fietsroutes zijn aangegeven • praktische informatie over de regio • bruikbaar met GPS • nuttige informatie voor... Read more
  • Also available from:
  •, Belgium
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  • Florence, Siena, Chianti WK2458
  • Deze kaart is ideaal voor het uitstippelen van wandel- en fietsroutes en om onderweg te gebruiken • goed leesbare kaart met heel veel topografische details • duidelijke symbolen maken de kaart extra overzichtelijk • wandel- en fietsroutes zijn aangegeven • praktische informatie over de regio • bruikbaar met GPS • nuttige informatie voor... Read more
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United Kingdom
  • Siena - Volterra - Massa Marittima - Roccastrada Kompass 2462
  • Siena - Volterra - Massa Marittima - Rocca Strada map at 1:50,000 from Kompass, printed on durable, waterproof and tear-resistant synthetic paper. Coverage includes Colle di Va d’Elsa, Casole d’Elsa, Metallifere hills, etc. Contours are at 40m intervals, with a 2-km UTM grid. Extensive overprint includes GEA - Grande Escursione Appenninica,... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Lake Trasimeno - Val d`Orcia - Montepulciano - Monte Amiata Kompass 2463
  • Lake Trasimeno - Val d`Orcia - Montepulciano - Monte Amiata area on a double-sided map at 1:50,000 from Kompass, printed on durable, waterproof and tear-resistant synthetic paper. Coverage includes Val di Chiana, Cortona, Montalcino, Asciano, Arcidosso, Fabro, Magione, etc. Contours are at 40m intervals, with a 2-km UTM grid. Extensive... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Pilgrim Routes in the Florentine Countryside: Western Part
  • Pilgrim Routes in the Florentine Countryside: Western Part at 1:50,000 is one of two maps from Edizioni Multigraphics highlighting old routes towards Rome, in this title: Via Sanese and Via Pisana, plus a section of Via Francigena.The map covers an area between Florence and Siena and highlights the course of two routes between these cities: Via... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Val d`Arbia, Ombrone and Orcia
  • The valleys of Arbia, Ombrone and Orcia in Tuscany directly south of Siena on a detailed contoured map at 1:50,000 from Litografia Artistica Cartografica highlighting the course of La Via Francigena and other waymarked local trails.The map covers an area from Siena southwards to Castel del Piano including several nature reserves. Topography is... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Lago di Bolsena - Acquapendente - Orvieto - Pitigliano - Sorano Kompass 2471
  • Lago di Bolsena – Orvieto area at 1:50,000 from Kompass on a map printed on durable, waterproof and tear-resistant synthetic paper. Coverage includes Acquapendente, Ficulle, Santa Flora, Valentano, Montefiascone, Selva del Lamone, etc. Contours are at 40m intervals, with a 2-km UTM grid. Extensive overprint includes cycling and selected... Read more
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